This yarn hair technique, rooted yarn, is one of my favorites. I find looping yarn onto the anchor stitches is so relaxing. The outcome can be as lush as you want, and is securely attached to the doll’s scalp.

Supplies: yarn, sharp large eye needle, crochet hook (I used a #5 here)
Establish and mark a hairline on your doll.
1) Anchor stitches: using yarn or embroidery floss, stitch running stitches around doll head, as shown. Knot and firmly secure thread ends to doll scalp.
2) Wrap and cut a pile of yarn pieces to desired hair length.
3) Using crochet hook, attach yarn pieces one by one or several at a time to anchor stitches.
4) Add more anchor stitches and yarn pieces if needed.
Once complete, you are ready for your creative hairstyling.
I gave my little strawberry blonde a bob, brushed the yarn with a wire pet brush to fluff her hair. A bow and a little extra hank of yarn on top and she’s all ready for play!

Sew play! Elaine