by elaine
This is the list of the basic equipment, tools and notions needed to start sewing. As you develop sewing skills, you will discover the direction you want to go with sewing. Then, upgrade and add more tools tailored to those interests.
EQUIPTMENT: Sewing Machine and Iron
Your first sewing machine need not be a big investment, a basic sewing machine can be purchased for under $100. Any sewing project on this site can be made successfully with a basic machine. When you purchase your sewing machine, pick up additional bobbins and a pack of sewing machine needles. As you advance, you can usually trade in your machine toward the next purchase. Someone may give you a machine, which is great, BUT, often a used machine doesn’t include a manual and also may be too funky and cause frustration. I definitely recommend a nice shiney new one for a fresh start!
A basic iron is fine.
Scissors for fabric: Start out with a good pair of fabric shears from day one!
Scissors for paper: It is best to have a separate pair of scissors for paper. Fabric shears will soon become dull if used for cutting paper.
straight pins
sewing needles
tape measure
small ruler
Each project “recipe” will list any additional tools, notions or supplies you need.
A shoebox container is handy to hold and tote your first batch of supplies.
Now your are ready for many projects on the home page…Lets get started!
by elaine
When I was a teen, my mom would give me unlimited funds to buy fabric, yet hardly any funds for buying ready-to-wear. Like many teens, I was passionate about the current fashion, so I sewed like mad, thinking I was being ever so clever to beat her system. At the time, I thought my mom was just plain mean; but she really steered me to acquire lifetime skills that ultimately lead to my career. She gave me a wonderful gift: a reason to learn to sew. Thanks, Mom!